Galápagos Conservancy

Celebrating International Day of National Parks: Honoring Galápagos National Park

Celebrating International Day of National Parks
Bartolomé Island and its iconic Pinnacle Rock, a stunning example of the beauty found in Galápagos National Park, celebrated on International National Parks Day. ©Theresa Lord

Today, August 24, we celebrate International Day of National Parks, a day dedicated to highlighting the importance of preserving our natural spaces and the diverse life they support. In Ecuador, this day recognizes the significance of the country’s 11 national parks, which are crucial for protecting unique ecosystems and species.

For Galápagos Conservancy, this day is especially meaningful. While Galápagos National Park was officially established on July 4, 1959, International Day of National Parks reminds us of the ongoing need to protect this precious natural treasure. Spanning about 3,087 square miles and covering 97% of the archipelago’s land area, Galápagos National Park is renowned as one of the most well-preserved volcanic archipelagos in the world.

We are proud of our continued partnership with the Galápagos National Park Directorate, the agency responsible for managing this protected area. Our collaboration is built on a shared commitment to safeguard and restore both the unique species of Galápagos and their habitats.

A key part of our work is the Galápagos Initiative, a joint program between Galápagos Conservancy and the Galápagos National Park Directorate. This program focuses on recovering vital species like giant tortoises, the pink iguana, waved albatrosses, and sea lions, as well as restoring their habitats. Thanks to our collective efforts and the generous support from our donors, we have made significant strides in conserving this extraordinary archipelago.

On this International Day of National Parks, we want to express our deep gratitude to our partners and donors. Your steadfast support is essential for advancing our conservation work and addressing the challenges of protecting such a unique environment. Your dedication helps us continue our mission and ensures that Galápagos National Park remains a global leader in conservation.

Today, let’s celebrate and reflect on our accomplishments and renew our commitment to conservation. We encourage all our partners and supporters to continue backing our efforts. Together, we can ensure that Galápagos National Park remains a shining example of conservation for future generations.

Happy International Day of National Parks!

Celebrating International Day of National Parks
A land iguana Conolophus subcristatus beside a cactus Opuntia echios var, two signature species of Galápagos National Park, showcasing the unique biodiversity we protect. ©Galápagos Conservancy
Celebrating International Day of National Parks
An adult pink iguana Conolophus marthae at the summit of Wolf Volcano, an endangered species found only in this part of the world. ©Galápagos Conservancy
Celebrating International Day of National Parks
Giant tortoise of the Chelonoidis becki species from Isabela Island, one of the 14 tortoise species endemic to the Galápagos. ©Galápagos Conservancy