Galápagos Conservancy

Empowering Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation in Galápagos

Empowering Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation in Galápagos
Thanks to the support from Galápagos Conservancy, Novarino has not only successfully launched
his sustainable farming venture but also set a gold standard for eco-friendly agricultural
practices in the Galápagos farming community. ©Galápagos Conservancy

The Galápagos Islands are a captivating wonder of biodiversity, supported by delicate ecosystems facing considerable threats. Conservation of these enchanted islands depends on the collaboration of various sectors, and agriculture is one with a critical role. Galápagos Conservancy is making remarkable strides in efforts to transform farming in the archipelago for a sustainable future.

Local Champions: Spotlight on Novarino Castillo

An encouraging example of this progress is Novarino Castillo, a local farmer whose vision to build a sustainable greenhouse received a boost from Galápagos Conservancy. Novarino’s farm, nine miles outside of Puerto Ayora, is a testament to responsible agriculture, delivering a wide range of organic produce, from eggplants to papayas. His endeavor not only provides the community with fresh, local food but does so without encroaching on natural habitats.

The Role of Composting in Sustainable Agriculture

A core element of Novarino’s farming approach is making compost from organic waste. The compost becomes a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer, improving soil health with no chemical additives. “This allows me to farm without chemicals, contributing to the care of the Galápagos Islands and offering healthy food to the community,” Novarino explained.

Galápagos Conservancy’s Mission and Approach

Our initiatives at Galápagos Conservancy are guided by a steadfast commitment to sustainable development and ecological conservation in Galápagos. We actively back projects like Novarino’s, which serve as a catalyst for the adoption of environmentally responsible farming practices. Promoting productive and sustainable agriculture ensures a stable supply of fresh food while safeguarding fragile ecosystems. Furthermore, such projects fuel local economic growth and foster community participation in conservation efforts.

Empowering Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation in Galápagos
Novarino creates compost from decomposed organic materials, which he uses as organic fertilizer to enrich the soil and improve its fertility. ©Galápagos Conservancy

Community Engagement and Economic Growth

The Galápagos Islands are a critical battleground for conservation, and local farmers are an important ally in this fight. Galápagos Conservancy is honored to back citizen-led initiatives that offer sustainable solutions for the long-term well-being of the islands and their unique ecosystems. Through collaborative efforts and community engagement, we continue to pioneer ways to harmonize human activity with ecological responsibility in Galápagos, offering a blueprint for sustainable living that resonates far beyond these shores.

Empowering Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation in Galápagos
By promoting and strengthening conscious agricultural and livestock practices, we ensure the availability
of fresh food without endangering the delicate ecosystems of the Galápagos. ©Galápagos Conservancy